Directed by Tommye Myrick
Produced by Voices in the Dark
Live Theater Returns to Canal Street by: Chris Petrey Posted Feb 14,2013 /11:19 PM CST
“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
The stage is being set for a theatrical production at the newly renovated Joy Theater.
Award-winning, producer/director Tommye Myrick is leading the production, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
The 1967 American classic is about interracial marriage during the civil rights movement.
Myrick says the subject is still relevant today because interracial intolerance still exists. “I mean even now we still have problems,” explained producer/director Tommye Myrick. “We look upon people in interracial marriages, and interracial relationships,” Myrick said. “We still stare, we still look, we still look at their children.”
“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” will be the first ever stage play at the Joy, and the first on Canal Street since Hurricane Katrina.
A red-carpet event kicks off opening night next Friday.
The show runs through March 3rd.